Student Life
Make your time at WyoTech an experience you won’t forget.
Our students spend 8 hours of their day in class. That means there’s 16 hours left to spend outside of school getting involved with student life. Part of WyoTech’s promise to deliver the best training, best experience, and best outcomes includes giving you the best student life experience that Laramie, Wyoming, has to offer.
Go ice fishing. Try snowmobiling or snowboarding. Attend game nights. Play a basketball game. The options are endless.
Whatever activities you’re into, the WyoTech Student Life department will ensure your time at WyoTech is an experience you won’t forget.
WyoTech Student Life Activities and Clubs
WyoTech students come from all over the nation. With 90% of our student body participating in campus activities, Student Life gives you the opportunity to meet more people with the same interests as you, building a lifelong friendship.
Regular WyoTech Student Life activities:
WyoTech offers a variety of activities and things to do, but there are certain things that we are notorious for among our students. Some of these regularly occurring activities include-
- City League Sports- volleyball, basketball, softball
- All-Access Pass to Laramie Recreation Center
- Pay-Per-View Sporting Events, Movie Marathons
- Hot Wheel Races, Bowling, Paintball, Airsoft, Go-Karts
- Theme Park Trips, Hockey Games, Top Golf
- Community Events- Cheyenne Frontier Days, Jubilee Days, Car Shows
- Annual Thanksgiving dinner
- Museum visits
- Student Veterans Organization
- Weekly Bible Study
WyoTech Gives Back
Here at WyoTech, we want to give back to those who support us. We offer a variety of opportunities to serve our students and community. Some of these include-
We offer student tutors in every program for students who may be struggling to understand the materials. These services are free to students and available every weekday after classes get out.
Food Pantry
We know the finances it takes for a student to complete post-secondary education, and we understand that this may lead to sacrificing in other areas. We don’t want you to have to go hungry; so we offer a food pantry for our students in need. Students and staff donate food regularly, so that none of our students have to miss a meal due to financial struggles.
Community Service
WyoTech gets a lot of support from our community, and loves to give back in any way that we can. Our students have offered over 15,000 hours of community service since 2018. We offer countless opportunities to be involved in the community to our students, in order for them to participate in Laramie Life and get to know people outside of their classes, as well as earn some extra credit.
Life in Laramie
For most of you, “Wyoming” is probably a place you never had on your radar before now. That’s one of the reasons we have such a good time out here: There’s not a lot of people, but there’s plenty to do.
Here in Laramie, you’ve got quick access to the Snowy Range, where you can go fishing, hiking, snowboarding, and much more. In town, there’s local rodeos, dances, farmer’s markets, and University of Wyoming sporting events, including football and basketball.
You’ll find out quick what small-town life is all about. Expect warm greetings (and waves) as you’re out exploring, and don’t be surprised if you create more than a few lifelong connections while you’re here.