WyoTech FAQs
FAQs about student life, academics, Laramie, and graduation
There’s a lot on your mind right now: Automotive vs. Diesel vs. Welding. Chassis Fab vs. Street Rod. On-campus housing or off. How to pay for school.
Let’s see if we can solve a few problems together right now.
If you make it through the list and still can’t find what you’re looking for, give us a call: 1.800.521.7158.
Student Life
Does WyoTech have a dress code?
Yes. To help establish both professional appearance and professional mannerisms for entering the workforce, WyoTech students are expected to follow the Student Appearance Code (below) during their time on campus.
WyoTech Student Appearance Code
- All clothing must be clean with no holes, tears, or frayed edges.
- Coats may not be worn in the shop or classroom unless permitted by the instructor.
- Hooded coats or jackets are not permitted in the shop.
- No article of clothing or tattoo shall have pictures, emblems, and/or messages that are lewd, offensive, vulgar, obscene, or might otherwise cause disruption.
- School Uniform: The school uniform shall be properly worn on campus during school operating hours.
Shirt: A WyoTech-issued uniform shirt shall be worn completely buttoned with the exception of the top button/snap. Unless specifically designed as a square-cut work shirt and issued by the school, shirttails must be tucked into the pants. Sweaters or other shirts, if worn, must be worn underneath the uniform shirt. For safety reasons, no hooded clothing is permitted in the shop or as part of the uniform.
Pants: Solid-color work pants shall be worn in an appropriate manner at the natural waistline (above the hips) and may not be excessively baggy or loose. - Boots: Professional work-style boots or shoes must be worn and properly laced. No athletic style shoes or sandals are permitted.
- Hair: Extreme hairstyles are not permitted, and hair shall be kept clean and provide a neat, well-groomed appearance. Hairstyle must conform to the shape of the head in a professional manner with no abrupt changes in length or style.
Hair shall be cut so as to not extend beyond the eyebrow, middle of the ear, and top of the shirt collar.
Females may have long hair but must pin their hair up to be above the shirt collar while training in the shop.
Hair must be a natural color. No unnatural hair color is allowed.
Any hair style that does not conform to the above, does not project a professional appearance of reasonable expectations in the workplace, or is otherwise a potential safety hazard is prohibited. - Shaving: Male students shall be clean-shaven. Mustaches are permitted, provided they do not extend below or beyond the corners of the mouth. Sideburns are permitted provided they extend no lower than the bottom of the ear, extend straight down the face, and must be trimmed so they are not bushy.
- Headwear: A knit cap (beanie) or baseball-style cap with the bill facing forward may be worn in the facilities, but must be removed in the classroom, TRC, or computer lab. No other headwear may be worn while in WyoTech training facilities.
Safety Equipment: Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as safety glasses, face shields, hearing protection, welding helmets, gloves, respirators and other equipment appropriate for specific tasks must be properly worn at all times while performing such tasks. Safety glasses should be worn at all times in the shop unless in designated safe areas. - Jewelry: The wearing of earrings, gauges, posts, spacers, studs, and dangling jewelry is not permitted. Facial skin, tongue or body piercing rings, studs, posts, ornaments and chain wallets/belts are also prohibited.
- Hygiene: Personal cleanliness and hygiene must be observed and maintained at all times.
- Student ID: The WyoTech student ID is required to be visible at all times and must be available to a staff or faculty member upon request.
How much does housing cost?
Housing is costs are based on location and dependent upon a dual-occupancy bedroom or single-occupancy.
Current Rate –
Fall Creek/Campus Courtyards
- Shared Bedroom – $417/Month
- Private Bedroom – $550/Month
Downey Apartments
- Private Bedroom – $500/Month
Rate Effective July 2025 Start –
Fall Creek/Campus Courtyards
- Shared Bedroom – $450/Month
- Private Bedroom – $600/Month
Downey Apartments
- Private Bedroom – $550/Month
Northern Rim Apartments
- Private Bedroom – $600/Month
Check out our Housing page and Housing Handbook for more about what rent includes, the difference between single- and double-occupancy, and more.
What kind of housing is available for students?
Our campus-managed housing options are organized as multi-resident suites, which means that both single- and double- occupancy bedrooms share a common kitchen, living room, and bathroom.
Check out our Housing page for more.
Can I have my own apartment?
We currently do not offer private WyoTech-managed apartments. While single-occupancy bedrooms do offer more privacy within an apartment, there will still be multiple students per apartment unit.
Does WyoTech offer housing for married students?
What kind of campus activities does WyoTech offer?
Throughout the year, we offer professional development programs, tutoring, resource fairs, and extracurricular activities. Students who participate in the professional development program not only gain valuable information and experience, but also earn extra credit.
Staff members are available to assist with roommate conflicts, financial budgeting, and housing.
Do I need to purchase any textbooks or tools?
WyoTech will provide all the books and tools required for you to complete your courses. As a student, you’ll also have access to a wide variety of resources such as service manuals, periodicals, computers and curriculum-based online resources.
Do I have to pay for my work shirts?
You will receive three work shirts at registration as part of your program. You can purchase additional uniforms on campus.
Should I bring my own tools?
How do I schedule a campus tour?
Give us a call at 800-521-7158, or check out our Tour page to request a tour online.
Are there any student discounts available for computers?
WyoTech receives discounts from both Dell and Lenovo.
For Dell computers, you can shop here.
For Lenovo computers, you can shop here.
What are the requirements for admission to WyoTech?
How old do I need to be to attend WyoTech?
Is financial aid available?
Yes. In addition to filling out the FAFSA® form, students can search for available scholarship opportunities here.
Are my WyoTech credits transferable?
I’m a current WyoTech student; how do I request a transcript?
To request a transcript, click here or give us a call at 800-521-7158.
Living in Laramie
How do I get to Laramie?
You can fly directly in to Laramie Regional Airport via the closest major airport, Denver International, or you can drive via I-25 and US-287 N.
If you need help coordinating your trip, just give us a call at 800-521-7158, or speak with your Admissions Representative.
What’s Laramie like?
After Graduation
I’m a WyoTech graduate; how do I request a transcript?
To request a transcript, please visit our Request A Transcript Page.