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Industry Partnerships

Our students know their brand. Introduce them to yours.

What You Can Expect As A WyoTech Industry Partner

We’re one of the best trade schools in the nation, and you’ve got an opportunity to get your name in front of our students. 

Here at WyoTech, we see it all the time: Brand loyalty gets started (and stubbornly cemented for life) right here on campus, while they’re working in our shops. 

Think about how you got started using the brands you currently use and trust. Did your dad use them in his garage while teaching you to work? Or did you keep borrowing the same tools from your buddy and finally realize it was a great brand? At some point, a brand caught your attention andgained your trust, therefore leading you to fill your garage with it.

All of that began with an introduction. Your brand could make the same mark.

Get your branding in our classrooms, hallways, or dorms. We have a large variety of ways that you can get involved in supporting and hiring our students, and we’re always open to possibilities. Fill out the form below, and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.